Welcome To Our Upper Nyack Elementary School Nurse's Office

 Guidelines for Student's Health Related Issues At School


  • If your child becomes ill in school, he/she should report to the School Nurse’s Office for assessment. If your child needs to go home, the School Nurse will contact you.
  • All absences require a written note from the parent/guardian when the child returns to school.  If your child is out for 3 or more days, a doctor’s note of explanation is required when he/she returns to school.
  • If your child is going to be absent from school due to illness, please notify the School Nurse’s Office or Attendance (353-7270, 353-7260 UNES phone lines.) There is a message center at these numbers, available for receiving messages 24 hours a day/7 days a week.  It is the parent responsibility to notify the school if a child is to be absent from school.
  • Children must be fever-free for a full 24 hours before returning to school after an illness.
  • Keep your child home if he/she exhibits gastrointestinal symptoms, such as nausea/vomiting or diarrhea within 24 hours prior to returning to school.

 Physicals & immunizations requirementsIt is recommended that all students submit a physical to the Nurse’s Office with an updated copy of their immunization record.

 Physicals & Dental Exams NY State Law mandates that all NEW students;   and students in Kindergarten, grades  1, 3, 5, 7, 9, and 11 submit a current physical and proof of dental exam to the Nurse’s Office.   Mandatory screenings are also done for these grades, if the MD has not documented height, weight, vision, hearing & scoliosis.  Physicals and dental exams are good for one year from the date of exam.  For:    Annual health form.pdf and   Dental Form 11-19.pdf (download here).

 **Students that fail to submit a mandated physical may be required to have an in-school physical by the school doctor at the District’s discretion so that we may remain in compliance with NY State.

 Immunizations:  When your child receives immunizations, please remember to send an updated legal MD or clinic record to the Nurse’s Office.  All students are required to have their immunization records on file in the Nurse’s Office prior to September 1st

 New York State Immunization Requirements for school entrance/attendance are as follows:

  • Diphtheria Toxoid Containing Vaccine:  5 or 4 doses if the 4th dose was received at 4 years old or older: a Tdap Booster is due before entry to Middle School.
  • Polio (IPV or OPV):   4-3 doses if the 3rd dose was received at 4 years old.
  • Measles, Mumps, Rubella (MMR):  2 doses
  • Hepatitis B:  3 doses
  • Varicella (Chicken Pox):   2 doses

 If your child is missing any required immunizations, they are available free of charge at the RCDOH Immunization Clinic in Pomona.  Please call (845) 364-2520 for an appointment.


If you child has any allergies or asthma, please make sure it is documented on their health examination form.  If the allergic reaction is severe and may require rapid medical intervention (i.e.  allergy to peanuts or bee-sting) with an Epi-pen and/or Benadryl, please make sure your physician completes the  Allergy Action Plan.pdf  (download here).   If your child uses an inhaler or a nebulizer, please ensure your physician completes the  Asthma Action Plan.pdf (download here).    All necessary medications should be supplied to the Nurse’s Office on or before the first day of school.   Elementary School students are not permitted to self-carry any type (including over-the-counter) of medications in school.


If your child has had an eye exam and wears glasses/contacts, please have your eye-care specialist fill out the  Eye glasses-contacts.pdf  (download here) to keep your child’s medical records current.


If your child is unable to participate in physical education or sports for any reason, a Doctor’s note is required.  The length of restriction should be noted and if no return to activity date is provided, a second doctor’s note will be required to allow your child to resume to physical activities.  A good rule of thumb is if the injury requires a doctor’s visit, a note is required for the Nurse’s Office.  All notes should be turned into the Nurse, who will give copies to the physical education teachers.  A doctor’s note is also needed if a student will require the use of the elevator.  The elevator pass will be issued by the Nurse’s Office. The injured student should report to the Nurse’s Office upon returning to school, at which time emergency evacuation instructions will be shared with the student and staff will be coordinated to assist the student as needed.


With the exception of MD ordered asthma inhalers & EpiPens

  •  A completed medication form is required to allow students to use and/or carry Asthma inhalers and/or EpiPen medication.   There is a space on the Health Examination form where the doctor can note the asthmatic condition and which medicines your child uses.  There is an Allergy Action Plan and Asthma Action Plan available from this site for your MD to complete as it pertains to your child.  Allergy Action Plan 6-17 1(1).pdf  Asthma Action Plan 6-17 1(1).pdf  (download here).


  •  Over-the-counter medication:  New York State law requires a medication form be completed by the physician and signed by the parent, to be kept on file in the School Nurse’s office.   PLEASE DO NOT ASK US TO ADMINISTER ANY FORM OF MEDICATION WITHOUT YOUR DOCTOR’S SIGNATURE.  This includes Tylenol or Advil for minor discomfort and headaches.  Try to anticipate your child’s needs ahead of time and have everything in place for the time that he/she may need it.  You should also be aware that the School District does not supply medications.  You will need to supply the medication in the original container.  They will be kept in the School Nurse’s office and labeled with your child’s name.  For the Medication Order Form.pdf  (download here).


  • Daily Medications/Antibiotics/Short-Term Medications/Emergency EpiPens To dispense any medication to a student, a medication form must be complete by the physician, signed by the parent and kept on file in the student’s medical record in the School Nurse’s officeThe medication must be supplied to the school nurse in its original, labeled pharmacy containerAs with all medication orders, this order must be renewed annually.  A prescription from the MD may be provided to the Nurse’s office for unlisted or short term medications (i.e.:  antibiotics, eye drops, ADHD medications…)

 PLEASE NOTE:  A parent/guardian must pick-up all medications and inhalers on or before the last day of school.  IF the medications and inhalers are not picked up, they will be discarded.

 If you have any questions or concerns about your student’s health, please call the Nurse’s office at 353-7270.    Thank you.

 Laura Weigel, RN - UNES School Nurse

 If you would like information translated contact….

Si ou bezwen enfòmasyon tradui an kreyòl, rele Jocelyn Abraham nan 353-7044.

Si le hace falta información traducida en español, llame a Yesenia Polanco 353-7042




Contact Info

Laura S. Weigel, RN

845-353-7270 (phone)


845-353-7262 (fax)



Covid Related Illness - Please Read


If you are keeping your child home sick with any symptoms of Covid-19 (i.e. Cold or allergy symptoms, congestion, runny nose, cough, headache, sore throat, fever, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, body aches, extreme fatigue, new loss of taste or smell) please call attendance at 845-353-7261 and report the absence & the symptom(s) in your message.  We recommend testing for Covid.  Free test kits are available at our school. Please stop by the front desk to get yours!


If COVID positive please notify the school right away by calling 845-353-7270 or email the nurse at lweigel@nyackschools.org.







NY State Department of Health


Welcome New and Returning Students....

New York State Law mandates that all STUDENTS - Kindergarten, First, Third and Fifth grade submit an updated physical to the nurse.

All health related forms including the  Annual health form.pdf   required in K, 1, 3 and 5 grades can be found here:

Guideline For Contagious Disease

Contagious Disease Information

If your child has a contagious condition such as strep throat, scarlet fever, conjunctivitis, ring worm, chicken pox, or lice, we ask that you notify the school nurse (353-7270) so we can be aware of the condition and check other students if necessary, as well as notify parents appropriately.  Children with contagious conditions must be under a physician’s care and cannot return to school until advisable to do so. The nurse encourages parents to keep their children home for 24 hours after a temperature, nausea, vomiting or diarrhea.

The building principal and the school nurse will analyze data periodically to identify patterns in student absences or tardiness and parents will be notified accordingly. Recognition will be given to students who have perfect attendance.


Contagious Disease

Incubation Period


Chicken Pox

14-21 days

Fever, spotty red rash on face and body that becomes white blisters.


– – –

Redness, tearing, occasionally formation of pus.


14-21 days

Fever, cough, sore eyes, blotchy rash on face and body.


14-28 days

Fever, swelling in front of ear and under jaw, pain when eating.

Scarlet Fever

5-7 days

Fever, very red and sore throat, blushing type red rash on face and body.

Strep Throat

– – –

Sore throat, red with possible white patches, and a positive throat culture by your M.D.

Fifth's Disease (Erthema Infectiosum)

5-10 days

Low grade fever, slight malaise, and a slapped face appearance.

Please notify the School Nurse (353-7270) if your child contracts a contagious disease.


Head Lice Tips:

How to Detect the Warning Signs

With seemingly no warning, a person can become infested with head lice. But in truth, there are warning signs to alert you to the presence of head lice. If you take action at the first sign of these warning signs, you can help prevent the head lice from spreading.

Symptoms: For most people, itching is the most common symptom of head lice. However, not everyone who is affected has itching, so it is important to check all students.

Locations: Look for red marks behind the child's ears and on the nape of his/her neck, as these spots are where head lice typically gather. However, lice and their eggs (called nits) can be found anywhere on the head.

Appearances: Lice are sometimes hard to see, because they're tiny, brown, and move to avoid light. But nits are tiny, whitish, and are firmly glues to the hair shaft, usually near the scalp. Nits might be mistaken for dandruff, but unlike dandruff, nits cannot be easily brushed off or removed by normal shampooing and washing.

Seasons: Increased incidence of head lice infestations occurs most frequently in the fall, between August and November; however, head lice is prevalent year-round.

Problems: Because nits adhere to the hair with a very strong, glue-like substance, it can be difficult to remove every nit. But it is critical to remove every single nit from the head, since even one living nit can lead to a re-infestation.

Please note: Nyack Public Schools has a no-nit policy. Students who return to school post-treatment must be checked by the School Nurse. Call the School Nurse directly at (845) 353-7270.


Children should come to school dressed in comfortable clothing. Students often sit on the floor or the rug. Layered clothing is best as indoor temperatures may fluctuate during the day. Snowsuits, boots, hats, and mittens are important for winter days. All students have outdoor recess except on rainy days or if the temperature drops below 25° F.

Clothes should be labeled. Names should be on all items. Missing items can be located in the “Lost & Found” box in the All-Purpose Room. Clothes not claimed will be donated to charity at the end of each month. Children are also encouraged to wear appropriate footwear (example: sneakers; no flip-flops) on Gym days.

Head Lice Information

Please be reminded that head lice can happen to anyone, anywhere. While lice remain alive on the infected person's clothing or hair and until they have been destroyed, it is communicable. As a reminder, several treatments are often necessary to cleanse the hair. Unless nits are removed, they can re-infest the child.

Washing all personal clothing with hot soapy water and a disinfectant should destroy any lice. Remember to check the seams of clothing. The use of a dryer (high heat for at least 20 minutes) will also facilitate destruction of adult lice and nits. If clothing is not washable, it should be dry-cleaned.

While observing your child, please be aware that lice are small brown bugs. Nits or eggs are white, filmy and stick to the hair. There is no reason to panic; however, there is a need to be aware of the possibility of pediculosis. Your help and concern is most important.

If you have any questions please feel free to call our nurse, Laura Weigel, at 353-7270. She will be happy to try to answer any inquiries.